Well I have been tagged by my good friend Annie so here it goes.....
10 years ago: I was living in Maine and trying hard to become pregnant and getting pretty bummed that nothing was happening ( now look at us LOL) I had just celebrated my 25th bday and was living life with my DH and two kitties.
On My To-Do List: The dishes in the kitchen sink that have piled up thanks to me trying another of my pampered chef recipes. The laundry( I am never caught up on that). I need to return a pair of shorts and a shirt to Limited Too and some stuff to Target.
Before I Die: I want to see my kids both married with kids of their own. I want to visit the Grand Canyon since I have seen both coasts but not much of the middle of the United States. I want to be the wife of a RETIRED navy chief.
5 places I have lived: Newport, RI, Virginia Beach, VA, Portland, ME, Mobile, AL and Veazie, ME
5 jobs I have had: bagger/cashier at Shop n Save, Bank Teller Cenit Bank, Branch Operations Supervisor Fleet Bank, Receptionist Katadhin Care and so I have been reminded JUDY"S SCRAPPIN AND STAMPIN(by far the best job I have had other than that of Mom and Wife)
If I were to become a Billionaire: I would definately pay off all this debt we have. I would purchase a house for us in Maine. I would buy Chris a snowmobile, sea-doo and boat so he could enjoy himself in the great outdoors. I would make sure my kids were finacially taken care of for college and beyond. And last but not least I would open up a scrap book store of my own and if it did poorly I would sink more money into it whenever I felt the need.
My Bad Habits: Drinking way too much Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke, Biting my nails when I get nervous and talking a bit loud (or so I have been told)
Things I enjoy: The sound of rain on my skylight window, the sound of silence during a snow storm. Watching my oldest child read to my youngest. My husband's laughter and funny little voices he does. Watching waves crash against the shore. Spending time with my family in Maine. Sleeping in on Saturday mornings. SCRAPBOOKING with my sistahs!
Things People Dont know about me: I used to play the clarinet in the school band. I really am shy but have forced myself to come out of my shell when I moved down here.
Well If you are reading my blog they you are tagged to share a few things about yourself.
Until next time......