Well it has been quite awhile since I have updated this blog of mine. Facebook has taken over my posts on here but I am going to make a conscious effort to be better at updating here.
Alot has happened since the last time I posted. Both kiddos have now turned a year older. It is hard to believe that I now have a daughter who is double digits! And whoever said it was the terrible twos, does not know Casey Kimball!
Our summer was pretty uneventful and very LONG! My mom, brother and his girlfriend did visit us for a week in July which was a blast. We got to go to alot of neat places and sight see around this beautiful area. We went to the great salt lake, a copper mine, and the Olympic Park in Park City. We love having visitors so if you are in the mood to see some snow head out our way where the door is always open.
School has started up again for both kids too. Emily is now in 5th grade. She is trying to adjust to life out here still and I think she is the one that is having the hardest time. She has found a few friends at school. She has a new job at school too this year. She is a hall monitor with one of her good friends. She loves it!
Casey has started preschool in our neighborhood. He goes three times a week with all the neighbor kids. His best friend and his girlfriend attend with him. He loves it! He has made some new friends too and loves living in Utah. He is the one that adjusted the best. I knew he would do just fine out here.
Chris is doing just fine at work. He spent most of the summer "molding" new chiefs for their initiation in September. He also put in his paperwork to retire. It is hard to believe that it is almost time for us to retire. It seems like we were just in Rhode Island on our first tour. Chris spends alot of time out in the garage make speakers. He is really good at it and we have some rocking speaker in our family room and he has a pair in his office.
I am busy at work. I love my job. I really dont feel like it is a job since I am surrounded by scrapbook supplies all day and people who love to scrapbook. I have made some good friends in co workers and customers. This fall I got to fly back East to attend a scrapbook retreat with my friends. It was so nice! I miss my girlfriends every day. THey "get" me and love my family. I had a blast while I was there and it was like I had never left. I was nervous that it would be different but it wasnt at all.
So that is the quick review of the last few months. I am watching the snow here ......
Man...It must be SO hard to adjust to change! I have lived in Utah my whole life and have NEVER been without my family! Sad that you feel lonely! We know how LUCKY we are to have you here! I know why you have SO many GOOD friends! It is NOT hard to ADORE you Wendi Kimball!!!! And as for those kids... LOVE THEM!!!!!
P.S. Who's that really cute little gorl with Casey on his birthday? What a lucky guy to have such a babe of a girlfriend!!!
Glad you're back!! I have to start a CD to hold all the pictures of the "Kimball Family". My computer is beginning to fill up and slow down. Keep it up with the photos.
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