We had a relaxing weekend. We decided to do some crafts on Sunday afternoon. Emily wanted to make an "E" for her room and I had a couple of projects that have just been sitting here. I made Emily's teacher little note stands. I found this project on my friend Judy's store website www.scrappinstampin.blogspot.com I used to work at her store and love to see what she is up to. They were really easy to make. The base is just an acrylic 5x7 photo frame!
Then I had to make Casey his room sign. I have been promising him that I would and have just been putting it off. It is not quite done but the main part is.
I love doing crafts! The autumn season is when I start to hunker down and spend more time doing crafty things. I was always my favorite time of year. I remember canning pickles with my mother and making homemade applesauce too. That is one thing I miss about Maine. We would go apple picking and to the pumpkin patch or just a ride in the car to look at the beautiful foliage. Maybe one day I will be able to share that with Casey. Until then I will appreciate my warm weather and wonderful friends here in the South.