Thursday, September 18, 2008

So much news and its not good

I know that I have been neglecting my blog but I have been dealing with alot of news with Chris' job. Last week we were approached by the detailer to move to Kentucky, Kansas, New Mexico or Missouri. We had made our choice and I was just getting used to the fact that I was going to leave all my friends and move north. I was not happy at first but realized it would be good for our family to be together and back to some kind of normalcy. Just when I was feeling ok with it, the other shoe dropped per say. Yesterday was quite a day...Casey and I decided to yard work and I was up on a step stool trimming hedges when I fell and bruised me legs up. The next thing I know one of my dear friend's husband is calling my name and had come over to see if I was alive. It seems that Chris and his wife had been calling me and I didnt answer because I was outside. Then this is when the day went into a tailspin. I called Chris and he informed me that the Navy is actively in the process of terminating him. We knew this could happen but still it is a shock when it finally happens. Now we are trying to figure out how to keep this family a float and get a new job for Chris. I cant go into any details because we dont have a lot of them. All I know is that I am more than mad at the Navy for doing this and could not even type how I feel. So please pray for Chris that he can make it through this time and that we as a family can stay a float.


Lisa said...

Oh Wendi!! I'm so sorry!! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. I love ya girl - it'll all work out the way it should!!

Anonymous said...

Wendi, I just want you to know that I am praying for you and your family -- always know that everything works out for a reason. I don't want to see you go; but I want to see what is best for your family!! God doesn't close one door without opening another. Hang in there girl! Holly

Suzanne said...

Wendi, I'm really saddened to hear this. The Navy is waaaay wrong..they should've let the man complete his 20yrs in peace. I thought they were all about preservation of the fleet...i guess it's still the political game that my husband dealt with for almost 22yrs. I don't know possibly if I can do anything...but if there's anything that I can do...just let me know. Hugs to you girl.

Herrick Kimball said...

Wendi & Chris,

I don't know all the details but I'm wondering if you have considered contacting the office of one of your congressmen to explain your story and ask for some help with the Navy situation? Such people typically have the ability to intervene on your behalf. That is part of their job.

Anonymous said...

WELL, not sure what to say... i still have much to give to the Navy but regulations are the law around here. i have a shot to correct the issue but i can not count on it. out with the resumes and to the head hunters.

I should stay home and have my lovely bride get a job and i will stay with the kids and crapbook.... FIRE FIRE FIRE CLASS ALPHA FIRE(paper products) ON THE BACK LAWN!!!!

renee said...

You and your family are in my prayers. Let me know if I can do anything for you.