Friday, November 7, 2008

Honor Roll Ceremony

Last week was the honor roll ceremony at school for Emily. They honor children that have made AB honor roll, A honor roll and perfect attendence. Emily received A honor roll. She missed out on perfect attendence because we left during Hurricane Gustaf and they had one day of school before we came home. This little ceremony is quite a "mess" for lack of a better word. All parents of 3,4 and 5th graders sit in the gym while all the kids are lead in and sit on the gym floor. Needless to say, there are too many people in such a small space and not enough seating for all the parents. Casey complained half way through 3rd grade honors and we still had 4th and 5th to go. It was getting hot and he wanted out. Thank goodness for my friend Kim who has children at the same school. She saved us a seat and brought her camera to take pictures. Emily would not smile for us at all. She later told me that she doesnt like to smile in front of so many people. So the photo isnt a great one but I am thankful that Kim took one of her. To top it all off, it was spirit week and she was wearing her sports jersey (Maine Hockey). She didnt want an Alabama or Auburn shirt, she wanted good ole Maine Black Bears GO BLUE!!



kelly said...

don't you love how the school is sooooo organized?lol anyway.... wtg Emily!!! tell her I said so... and to keep up the good work.! any hoo... I want to suscribe to your blog like you did mine, but I can't find the link on your page.... any ideas???? only a few more days til gcs... I am ready to go today!!! CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!

annie said...

Your honors day sounds like the one at our school. There really has to be a better way to do these things! Congrats to Emily on the good grades. I think they should give the attendance awards to the parents. Its not like the kids are the ones getting themselves up and off to school.