Today is Veteran's day and I just want to take a moment to reflect and thank all those men and women who have served and are serving this country. I remember when September 11th happened and how I couldnt sleep at night. I was so worried that we were going to be attacked again. The military has given me peace at night because I know that we are being protected by the best military in the world. It isnt the easiest job for these people but they do it without question. After 17+ years of being a military wife, I dont take these people for granted anymore. So many of them have lost their lives in battle or have been wounded. So today I thank each and everyone of those amazing people.
The two photos are of my husband coming aboard the USS Constitution and my maternal grandfather( one without the mustache) during his stint in the US Marines. He has now passed away but I have many memories of war stories he would tell me.
I went to the Veterans Parade today. WOW, what a great day. I'll make sure I do this every year. I'm so proud of the Men and Women who serve our Great Country.
Dont I look cute =)
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