What a fun weekend I had with my sistahs! It was nice to be around my friends and do something I love, SCRAPBOOKING. We were at Orange Beach and it was beautiful. We never did get to the beach and take the photos we wanted to. I got to eat out a few times, run around in comfy clothes to wee hours of the night and act like a fool. I managed to get 19 pages done, about 7 hours of sleep and won a page contest. I will post the page in a later entry. Now I am trying to pick up a messy house, stock the fridge with food,get some Christmas shopping done for the kiddos and put away all my scrapbooking stuff. I think I am finally back to normal with two good nights worth of sleep. Oh and Debby, Kim and Carolyn, please send me whatever photos of the weekend you can share. Thanks!
NOW HOLD ON! the house was not a mess, i left it as i found it... laundry was done just not folded and put away.
One word-----JEALOUS!
zAHMMM...cAN wightpony come by MY HOUSE and take care of the laundry and PUT IT AWAY.
THAT'S alot of layouts!
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