Well sickness has hit our house once again. Casey has had a high fever since Midnight on Friday and he started vomitting last night at midnight. He is pretty sick and just wants to lay around the house. He is taking a nap right now. And his big sister has been worn out from her day yesterday. Our new neighborhood has a playground in our back yard and she played outside from 10am until 4pm. Then she went to her new friend's house for a sleepover. Needless to say, she is exhausted. So my house is nice and quiet for the moment. No husband either since it is reserve weekend. What's a girl to do? Scrapbook maybe!
Hope Casey feels better soon...poor little guy, he must have worn himself out. Your house looks great and sounds like a nice neighborhood. Love to all..Auntie C.
aww.. poor man... I hope he is feeling much better than the other night... we sure did miss you at the lil crop... I love you.....
Poor baby. I hope he gets better soon.
Poor Em---just give out from all that socializing.
We missed you a bunch at our mini crop.
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