Wednesday, February 4, 2009

She needs a SHOT!!

So we went to try to enroll Emily in school yesterday and found out she cant be enrolled until she gets another vaccination. Utah requires a HEP A shot and she doesnt have that. I thought maybe she did since she was born in Virginia but no such luck. SHe is not looking forward to getting one either. I think she would rather stay at home instead of getting a shot and going to school. Luckily, Lynne is going to take us to the HEalth Department in Sandy. Then it will be off to school for my girlie : )


Anonymous said...

Boy was that a fast trip!
Glad you all made it in one piece. Tell Emily I hate shots also, but it only hurts for a few seconds so shut your eyes and think of your favorite every time.

Love to you all.."Auntie C"

Aunt Banana said...

I am glad you guys made it safely. Sad about the shot. Can;t to hear how things are going. I miss your update blog.