Monday, June 30, 2008
He says the funniest things....
Casey says the funniest things to me sometimes. He is still a little hard to understand with his speech. But I did catch something tonight that made me laugh. Only a child could make this remark and it is so true. I had just made some homemade meatballs and kept one out for the kids to share. I brought it out for them to eat and told Casey that is was really hot. He blew on it and ate it but had to make a comment that made me laugh. He ran to the kitchen and said next time mom can you cook it cold instead of cooking it hot. I thought that was so cute and would put a smile on your face. Happy Monday!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Flower Child

Dont you just love when you find something fun and free to do! Well that was us last night. We were driving by our local Chick-fil-a and saw a huge blow up slide out front. First, for those of you that dont know Chick-fil-a, it is a chicken restaurant that the kids love. Chris and I swear that they put something in their chicken to make us want to come back for more. Well back to the story. Once the kids saw the slide they wanted to stop. We went inside and realized that it was customer appreciation night. Free kids meals, free face painting, free t-shirts, games and prizes. Even two dressed up cows who scared the heck out of Casey. Emily partook in all the festivities while Casey shook and was scared in the corner. We usually sit up front so Casey can play in the inside playground while I can eat and watch. He didnt want that last night, he lead me to the last booth in the restaurant right by the restrooms. Everytime he saw those cows he freaked! We did manage to leave the restaurant without incident. Both kids loved it (at least that is what they told me) Emily got the cutest flower on her cheek too!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
It's Raining Again!

Nothing stinks more than a rainy day and kids complaining about nothing to do. The weather yesterday and today has been thundering with showers all day long. It doesnt look like the weather is going to get any better until next week. The kids are running around the house and my sinuses are screaming for help. Hopefully the sun will come out and we can venture out for a little while. Trying to get Casey to take a nap but the "boom booms" are in his room and he cant sleep. So I guess we will just sit tight and wait for the storms to roll out of here. Hope you are having a great day!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Daddy's on Vacation

Well Daddy has been home with us on some vacation time. We havent really done much except hang out as a family. One of our favorite times is in the morning. We usually get breakfast made by Daddy. He likes to make cinnamon pancakes, sausage and hashbrowns. We usually goof off and laugh alot. These are the time that I hope my kids will remember when they grow up. I slept in one morning and woke up to three of my favorite people with blankets wrapped around them. They looked like superheroes with their capes wrapped around them. Of course the scrapper in me told them to pose for a picture. So for all of you that want to know about my secret life here is the proof. LOL!
Monday, June 16, 2008

In out travels to Target's dollar spot we found an air rocket kit for Casey. I have been holding onto it for the right moment and today was it. We set the kit up in the front yard and I tried it out first. Well Momma broke the black box that you step on to make the rocket go. I had to fish out some of Chris's electrical tape from the shed and fix it up. It worked for a while so Casey could have a turn. I think it has had it. I will have to tape it up again. That's what you get for a dollar. LOL
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Emily has been tagged!!
I know two posts in one cant handle it LOL! Our friend Hayden Emmertson has tagged Emily for a Father's Day tag. If you remember we did a Mother's Day tag so this should be fun.
1. What is your dad's favorite food? Heinz 57 chicken
2. Who is his favorite team? He doesnt go for a team.
3. What does he do at work? Fixes Electric stuff
4. If he could have any job what would it be? A Snow Plow driver
5. What do you and your dad like to do together? go to the movies
6. Does he snore? YES
7. How does he make you laugh? By making weird sounds
8. What is he good at? Fixing things
9. What is his dream vacation? To go to Maine
10. What whould he do with a million dollars? Move to Maine and buy a house there
11. What is his favorite TV show? Family Guy
12. What did he study in college? He didnt go to college he enlisted in the Navy
13. Who is his best friend? Mom
14. How does he comfort you? He tells me something funny to make me stop crying
15. What is his nickname for you? Poop
16. How long does it take him to get ready for work? 1 1/2 hours
17. How much does he weigh? 200 and something
18. Does he have any hobbies? playing Diablo on the computer
19. If he were a superhero who would he be and why? The Incredible Hulk because he is strong
20. What is the one thing he cant live without? All of us
21. What makes him happy? When he gets to do something he likes to do.
22. Does he have any bad habits? Snoring and chewing his nails
23. What is your dad'd favorite snack? Popcorn
24. How do you know that he loves you? Because he says "I love you Poop!"
These are Emily's answers and now she must tag 5 people so here it goes:
Cole Tanner
Randi Evans
Donnie Hamilton
Kristen Hale
And whoever else reads this post and has a dad.
1. What is your dad's favorite food? Heinz 57 chicken
2. Who is his favorite team? He doesnt go for a team.
3. What does he do at work? Fixes Electric stuff
4. If he could have any job what would it be? A Snow Plow driver
5. What do you and your dad like to do together? go to the movies
6. Does he snore? YES
7. How does he make you laugh? By making weird sounds
8. What is he good at? Fixing things
9. What is his dream vacation? To go to Maine
10. What whould he do with a million dollars? Move to Maine and buy a house there
11. What is his favorite TV show? Family Guy
12. What did he study in college? He didnt go to college he enlisted in the Navy
13. Who is his best friend? Mom
14. How does he comfort you? He tells me something funny to make me stop crying
15. What is his nickname for you? Poop
16. How long does it take him to get ready for work? 1 1/2 hours
17. How much does he weigh? 200 and something
18. Does he have any hobbies? playing Diablo on the computer
19. If he were a superhero who would he be and why? The Incredible Hulk because he is strong
20. What is the one thing he cant live without? All of us
21. What makes him happy? When he gets to do something he likes to do.
22. Does he have any bad habits? Snoring and chewing his nails
23. What is your dad'd favorite snack? Popcorn
24. How do you know that he loves you? Because he says "I love you Poop!"
These are Emily's answers and now she must tag 5 people so here it goes:
Cole Tanner
Randi Evans
Donnie Hamilton
Kristen Hale
And whoever else reads this post and has a dad.
Happy Father's Day!

Today is the day to be thankful for our dads and my kids have so many of them. Emily's godfather Quinn who she misses terribly. We call him the "godfather". She called him this morning and talked to him. Then there is my brother Ryan who is Casey's godfather. My brother has loved Casey since the first time he set eyes on him. He is 15 but he is so protective and loving to Casey it just melts your heart. Then there is my step-dad also known as Pa-Pa. I am thankful he came into our lives and has made my mother so happy. And how could we forget the most important Dad....The best Dad...Chris. He was awaken this morning by a phone call from the kiddos. They know they will see him very soon so we will celebrate then. He actually got his gift last weekend and got taken out to dinner. So thank you honey for being the great dad that you are! And to all my dads (Uncle Cliff(godfather), Grampy, PFS (god rest his soul), and Wade) have a wonderful day, you deserve it!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What was life like before cell phones?

I remember a time when there was no such thing as a cell phone. But now I cant live without it. It is like a lifeline for me. I get anxious if I am in the car and I have no cell phone. What if I break down or what if I am in an accident? I know that there was a time when you would just walk to the nearest house and borrow a phone. Well my lifeline snapped in half today. I was coming home from Mississippi with my friend Kim when my razor phone (which I absolutely love) died. Kim told me to look at the battery and when I opened it up she said "Oh your phone has water damage." Not a good thing to have! She was nice enough to drive me to my Verizon dealer and watch Casey while I dealt with it. I wont go into the details but 1 hour later I still didnt have a phone and I was unhappy with the place I went. Come to find out it was just an autorized dealer and not a company store. We rode down the street to the next corner and went to the company store. I had a new phone in less than 10 minutes! And it is a pretty purple! I love it. But there is nothing worse than trying to load numbers that you lost from the old phone and download ringtones. I still dont have some of the numbers loaded. So if I call you asking for your number this is why.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A little homesick lately?!

Chris and I have been talking about home lately and my little brother happens to be visiting up there right now. I am reminising about how life was when we lived in Maine and I miss that. Dont get me wrong, my friends make living down south bearable and I love them for that. Chris said he would love to be back there but knows that Emily and I would be crying after a year to move back south because we miss everyone down there and hate the snow. I guess it is our family and being able to explain to Casey and Emily about their roots and who and where certain things happened. Only time will tell where we are suppose to be but lately I think God is telling us move North you Kimball Clan!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Nice relaxing weekend

We had a pretty uneventful weekend around here. We got to do some of our favorite things though.
1. Emily and Dad went to the movies
2. The whole family went to the Peanut Restaurant (Logan's) the kids call it that because they can throw peanuts on the floor.
3. We went to Marble Slab for Ice cream
4. The kids and Dad got to run through the sprinklers
5. I got to do a scrapbook project (Emily's room sign)
6. I got to hang with a few of my friends
7. Emily and I got to take a walk
8. We did yard work as a family
So as you can see we just did the normal stuff our family enjoys. I hope you had a good weekend!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
We look like Lobstah!!!

I used to say that when I got sunburned I looked like a lobster. Well my two kiddos are lobsters and I am a big Momma Lobster. We went to our friend Kim's house yesterday to watch her kids while she went to a meeting. The kids love going there since she has a big inground pool. We spent a good three hours by the pool swimming, eating and having fun. Before the kids even went outside, they have sunscreen spf 50 on. I was really STUPID thinking I was going to sit under the umbrella and not need anything. I ended up in the water playing games and showing the kids how to do flip turns. Well we are a hurting unit here today. Our night was filled with warm showers and rub downs with Aloe Vera gel. Casey was the one who got the least but Emily and I are really feeling the pain. No sun for us for a little while. I told Emily we may go to the beach this weekend but she totally turned that idea down.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Arent these the cutest!

You know it is nice to have a mother that sews and has her own monogramming machine. As a kid I hated anything that was homemade but I love my kids in the outfits that my mother makes them. We have so many monogrammed cups, towels, pillowcases and other things that I take for granted how nice it is to have these. My mother really does make wonderful childrens clothes and could sew anything if you asked her too. The sewing gene never really passed to me. I like to sew but not to the extent that my grandmother did or my mother does. Before we left her last week, she made Casey three little pajama outfits. They are nothing fancy but they are so cute on my boy. He even got to pick out the fabric (tractors, trains and cars with trucks). We have already worn the tractor pj's since those were his favorites. Tonight it is the train PJ's. Thanks Mom for the cute PJ's!
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