Sunday, June 15, 2008

Emily has been tagged!!

I know two posts in one cant handle it LOL! Our friend Hayden Emmertson has tagged Emily for a Father's Day tag. If you remember we did a Mother's Day tag so this should be fun.

1. What is your dad's favorite food? Heinz 57 chicken
2. Who is his favorite team? He doesnt go for a team.
3. What does he do at work? Fixes Electric stuff
4. If he could have any job what would it be? A Snow Plow driver
5. What do you and your dad like to do together? go to the movies
6. Does he snore? YES
7. How does he make you laugh? By making weird sounds
8. What is he good at? Fixing things
9. What is his dream vacation? To go to Maine
10. What whould he do with a million dollars? Move to Maine and buy a house there
11. What is his favorite TV show? Family Guy
12. What did he study in college? He didnt go to college he enlisted in the Navy
13. Who is his best friend? Mom
14. How does he comfort you? He tells me something funny to make me stop crying
15. What is his nickname for you? Poop
16. How long does it take him to get ready for work? 1 1/2 hours
17. How much does he weigh? 200 and something
18. Does he have any hobbies? playing Diablo on the computer
19. If he were a superhero who would he be and why? The Incredible Hulk because he is strong
20. What is the one thing he cant live without? All of us
21. What makes him happy? When he gets to do something he likes to do.
22. Does he have any bad habits? Snoring and chewing his nails
23. What is your dad'd favorite snack? Popcorn
24. How do you know that he loves you? Because he says "I love you Poop!"

These are Emily's answers and now she must tag 5 people so here it goes:
Cole Tanner
Randi Evans
Donnie Hamilton
Kristen Hale
And whoever else reads this post and has a dad.

1 comment:

Debby said...

Thank You Wendi. Donnie has posted his on my Blog. I thought is was pretty good.