I am signing off my little blog here until I can update again. I had a wonderful time yesterday with all my girlfriends scrapbooking. I am going to miss them so much. And yes, the tears began to fall last night. I came home and cried in my husbands arms and told him "I dont think I can take this." I know I still have alot of "goodbyeing" to do so it is going to be hard. We leave Tuesday for my mothers house and hopefull I can update the blog then. If any of you need me call my cell or my home number will have the cell number on it. Wish us luck in our travels and see ya on the flip side.
Wendi : )
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Yes I am still here
I am trying to tie up some loose ends before the big move date. I will be signing off from the blog for awhile since I wont have a computer after Monday the 26th. It still seems unreal to me that we are moving. I know it will hit me when I am driving down Snow Rd headed for my mothers house in Mississippi. Everything seems to be going as planned. I took JoJo to the vets yesterday for his shots. He vomitted on the ride to the vets and pooped on the ride home. Chris has decided that he will be driving with the two cats while I am driving with the two kids (I dont know which one is worse LOL!). We have our route mapped out and it will take us about 4 days to drive. We are stopping at my mothers house for two nights since our stuff wont arrive in Utah until after the 5th. I will post at least one more time. So until then, have a happy week : )
Friday, January 16, 2009
The Nerves are setting in
I always have worried but I tend to worry more when it comes to something like moving. It is getting closer and my nerves are a wreck. I worry about the drive and I worry about wheather we will like Utah. I worry about wheather Utah will like us. I hate feeling this way and I know that it will pass but it is going to take some time to adjust to life out there. I just want my kids to be happy and our family to be together. Heck if we made it throught the last 4 years then we can make it through just about anything. LOL!
Sorry you had to listen to me ramble and worry. I will be better soon. I promise : )
Sorry you had to listen to me ramble and worry. I will be better soon. I promise : )
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Our prayers have been answered
We got approval on our rental home in Utah today. Everything seems to be falling into place (FINALLY). It has been a rough couple of weeks around here with this move taking over most of our lives. Our new home is going to be bigger than the one we have now and will have room for all my scrapbook stuff. Now the countdown begins 15 days and counting (YIKES)!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek seems to be Casey's new game. Last week he put on his LL Bean headlight and sat in the linen closet. When Emily got off the bus I told her that I left Casey at Walmart and that I hadnt seen him since. She got a little panicky and told me that I wouldnt do that would I?! He finally appear from the linen closet. She thought it was a great hiding place and he was proud of himself for pulling one over his sister.
Well this weekend he has found a new place to hide. He has inheritated a red toy chest that used to be mine when I was a child. It sits at the end of his bed full of his trucks. He figured out that he could empty the chest and fit in it perfectly. And again he pulled one over on his sister this morning by hiding in it and popping up.
I am just waiting to see where his new hiding place will be.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Housing Update
Chris finally came home last night from his trip out west. He was somewhat sucessful in that he found us a place but we really dont know if it is ours yet or not. We have filled out the applications and will fax them tomorrow so say a little prayer that everything will work out. The house is in Saratoga Springs which is south of SLC. Chris loves the neighborhood and my friend Annie's sister lives there too. Emily will be able to walk to school since the school is in the middle of the subdivision. The house is going to be a little bigger than what we have now since the basement will be finished. I dont want to say too much in that I dont want to jinx the process.
Getting ready for another week here and Chris is on the road again. He is headed towards J'ville. He flys out to California on Tuesday for a conference. He is going to be sick from all of this traveling. I will keep yall informed on what is going on with our move. Until then have a great week!
Getting ready for another week here and Chris is on the road again. He is headed towards J'ville. He flys out to California on Tuesday for a conference. He is going to be sick from all of this traveling. I will keep yall informed on what is going on with our move. Until then have a great week!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Nerf Wars

I decided to give Chris and Casey nerf guns for Christmas. I thought they would have fun together using them. I was not wrong. Before Chris left for SLC last weekend, he and Casey got the nert dart stuck up on our ceiling which is vaulted. Chris had to hold Casey above his head to try to knock it down. Now we have advanced to glow in the dark darts. I should have gotten guns for Emily and I because we are having fun with them too. Isnt it crazy the little things that make you happy!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I need to do this now instead of later
The one part I hate about being in the military is moving away from friends. We have been stationed in 4 other places before this one (VA Beach, Maine, VA Beach and Maine again. I am not just "saying", what I am about to write, it comes from the heart and I dont think that I could say this to each one of you without crying so I am taking the time to do it by writing in my blog.
I am not going to name names but you know who you are (SISTAHS!). I was left in a not so good situation here in Mobile with my husband living in Florida or being out to sea for the last 4 years. You accepted me into your lives and treated me like family. I was afraid when I moved down here that you would tell this "Yankee" to go home but you didnt. Your friendship has meant the world to me and will mean the world to me once I move. I cherish each one of you in a special way. I dont want you to think that because I am half way across the country that I dont care about what goes on back here. I want phone calls and emails! This is just as hard on me as it is on you and I have my own way of dealing with it. So when I say that I dont want to talk about it, that is my way of dealing with it. You all have been my life for the last 4 years and I love you all! Your families have become close to mine and I want you to know that there is always a door open in the Kimball home for any of you.
I have already talked Cheif into a webcam and laptop so Kelly you better get me connected at the Feb or March crop. LOL!
And Kim you need to find that six figure job that will bring me back to my second home state.
I cant write anymore through these tears that are streaming down my face. Just keep me in your heart like I will you.
I am not going to name names but you know who you are (SISTAHS!). I was left in a not so good situation here in Mobile with my husband living in Florida or being out to sea for the last 4 years. You accepted me into your lives and treated me like family. I was afraid when I moved down here that you would tell this "Yankee" to go home but you didnt. Your friendship has meant the world to me and will mean the world to me once I move. I cherish each one of you in a special way. I dont want you to think that because I am half way across the country that I dont care about what goes on back here. I want phone calls and emails! This is just as hard on me as it is on you and I have my own way of dealing with it. So when I say that I dont want to talk about it, that is my way of dealing with it. You all have been my life for the last 4 years and I love you all! Your families have become close to mine and I want you to know that there is always a door open in the Kimball home for any of you.
I have already talked Cheif into a webcam and laptop so Kelly you better get me connected at the Feb or March crop. LOL!
And Kim you need to find that six figure job that will bring me back to my second home state.
I cant write anymore through these tears that are streaming down my face. Just keep me in your heart like I will you.
We are getting there...
I think we are finally making headway in the housing department. I am hoping by tomorrow evening to have an answer and to share it with yall. Just talked to Chief on the phone and he was exhausted and heading to bed. I am so proud of that man of mine.
He did get to visit the reserve center today and meet his new co-workers. I think he is going to like it. Not much else to report going to catch some z's myself.
He did get to visit the reserve center today and meet his new co-workers. I think he is going to like it. Not much else to report going to catch some z's myself.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Santa didnt forget her...

I know that I have posted alot of photos of Casey and his gifts. Emily didnt do too bad either. She has been bugging us for over a year to have a cell phone and we have been telling her "NO", "Who are you going to call with it?", "You know it costs money to have those phones." Well Chris and I finally decided with our move that a phone would be nice for her to keep in touch with her peeps back here in Mobile.
With that said, we got her good on Christmas morning. To start, her phone looks just like her daddy's phone except it is teal. We programmed her phone a couple of days before Christmas and made the banner read "Emily's New Phone." Then on Christmas morning we set the phone on the counter in the kitchen. Chris went to the restroom and called Emily's new phone. It rang and I said "what is that sound?" (everyone at my mom's house was in on it) She went to the phone and said "whose little blue phone is this?" Later she told me that she thought daddy got a new blue cover for his phone. I told her to open it up and when she read the banner she nearly fainted. She yelled "are you serious?!" It was priceless and my mom nearly had to pick her up off the phone. I wish I had photos or a video of it but this is the best I could do.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Day 2 of the Utah Adventure
I know that all you inquiring minds want to know how chief is doing in the great west. Well not much to report today except that it snowed AGAIN! I am really missing the white stuff but if it snows everyday out there then I might be sick of it before the end of Feb! LOL!
He has two interesting houses that happen to be right in the Benham's back yard. I am hoping one of these will be "THE ONE".
Now to the homefront news. Emily started back to school today! Yipee! I find it so funny that she and her brother fight constantly when they are together but when they are apart they are looking for the other. Casey was having a rough day without his big sis to push around. He wanted momma to play with him constantly which was a little hard to do today. I was trying to help chief out on this end but couldnt with my little friend wanting to play matchbox cars. So when Emily came home you would think he would be happy. NO! He fought with her like normal. Dont kids ever get along?!
He has two interesting houses that happen to be right in the Benham's back yard. I am hoping one of these will be "THE ONE".
Now to the homefront news. Emily started back to school today! Yipee! I find it so funny that she and her brother fight constantly when they are together but when they are apart they are looking for the other. Casey was having a rough day without his big sis to push around. He wanted momma to play with him constantly which was a little hard to do today. I was trying to help chief out on this end but couldnt with my little friend wanting to play matchbox cars. So when Emily came home you would think he would be happy. NO! He fought with her like normal. Dont kids ever get along?!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Day 1 of Chris excellent Adventure
Well not a good day today for my hubby. He has been driving around in the snow. He said that they got 4 inches of the white stuff today. He also said that the people out there dont know how to drive in the snow. I guess he thinks that since we are from Maine that we know how to drive in it!? He saw 5 properties today and nothing worked out. He is a bit discouraged but he is still hopeful that something will come up for us. So please pray for him. He was headed back to the Benham's house to regroup and get some Z's.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
He Left on a Jet Plane
Thats right, Chris left this morning for Salt Lake City, Utah. He is going to be looking for a new place for our little family to live. The countdown is on and we should be on the road to our new home at the end of this month. I wish that I could go with him and see where we are going to live. Emily has school and the Navy doesnt pay for us to fly out there so it is coming out of our own pocket.
Chris is very lucky in that our friends, The Emmertson's have family in SLC. They are allowing Chris to stay in their basement apartment and have even offered to help him find a place. All I can say is that I am truly touched by their generousity. Hopefully by the end of this week, we will have a new home. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer.
He has arrived and is in awe of the landscape. It was 75 degrees when he left here and it is 5 degrees there with snow on the ground. He sent us a photo and it is truly breathtaking. Lynn and her family are amazing and he truly feels right at home.
Chris is very lucky in that our friends, The Emmertson's have family in SLC. They are allowing Chris to stay in their basement apartment and have even offered to help him find a place. All I can say is that I am truly touched by their generousity. Hopefully by the end of this week, we will have a new home. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer.
He has arrived and is in awe of the landscape. It was 75 degrees when he left here and it is 5 degrees there with snow on the ground. He sent us a photo and it is truly breathtaking. Lynn and her family are amazing and he truly feels right at home.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy 2009!!
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