I know that I have posted alot of photos of Casey and his gifts. Emily didnt do too bad either. She has been bugging us for over a year to have a cell phone and we have been telling her "NO", "Who are you going to call with it?", "You know it costs money to have those phones." Well Chris and I finally decided with our move that a phone would be nice for her to keep in touch with her peeps back here in Mobile.
With that said, we got her good on Christmas morning. To start, her phone looks just like her daddy's phone except it is teal. We programmed her phone a couple of days before Christmas and made the banner read "Emily's New Phone." Then on Christmas morning we set the phone on the counter in the kitchen. Chris went to the restroom and called Emily's new phone. It rang and I said "what is that sound?" (everyone at my mom's house was in on it) She went to the phone and said "whose little blue phone is this?" Later she told me that she thought daddy got a new blue cover for his phone. I told her to open it up and when she read the banner she nearly fainted. She yelled "are you serious?!" It was priceless and my mom nearly had to pick her up off the phone. I wish I had photos or a video of it but this is the best I could do.
I know exactly how important a cell phone can be.
I hope she enjoys it and takes good care of that cute little phone.
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