We have welcomed a new member to our family. Her name is allie (short for allergies). Here is the story behind her. Last Wednesday I heard a cry out back and saw allie sitting on our fence by the bay window. She was so cute and looked like the cat that had been missing in our neighborhood. I called the number on the missing cat sign and the owner wasnt there. She did call the next morning at 6:15AM (YIKES!!). She came and saw the cat and it was not her kitty. I let allie go and she decided to stay on our back porch. When Chris came home he was really interested in the kitty. She was showing her good side to us. Cuddling, showing her belly and just being plain cute. Chris decided to take her to the vet and she got a clean bill of health. She goes back on Thursday to get fixed and declawed. She has been super sweet and great with the kids, especially Emily. She did have a problem with finding the litter box but I think we are on the way to correcting that problem. Little does Allie know but she is in for a surprise because she will now be my scrapbooking subject for a while. LOL!