Chris has gotten a new hobby for himself. I can actually bring him to Hobby Lobby with me which is good and bad since he can see how much I spend on scrapping stuff. LOL
He likes to build little rockets and launch them. He thought it would be a good idea to take his rockets on vacation with us since my mother has a huge back yard to launch them in. He was so proud of himself. He made us all come outside to launch his masterpiece (big Bertha). The launch only lasted seconds and Bertha landed on mom's house. It did manage to roll off and we recovered it.
Awesome shot of the rocker taking off. I love the one of Casey. Does he like the rocket?
How cool is that! yeah, i would NEVER encourage my hubby to go to HL with EVER. He'd crap a brick if he REALLY knew what scrappy stuff cost. He thinks that 39 a month for a kit is too much! and that's with shipping!
The kids and I love reading your Blog :) Jerricka keeps asking when you are going to visit Maine again, lol. I have told you this before but in the Zoo picture, Emily looks alot like Jen :).
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