Friday, January 16, 2009

The Nerves are setting in

I always have worried but I tend to worry more when it comes to something like moving. It is getting closer and my nerves are a wreck. I worry about the drive and I worry about wheather we will like Utah. I worry about wheather Utah will like us. I hate feeling this way and I know that it will pass but it is going to take some time to adjust to life out there. I just want my kids to be happy and our family to be together. Heck if we made it throught the last 4 years then we can make it through just about anything. LOL!
Sorry you had to listen to me ramble and worry. I will be better soon. I promise : )


Holly said...

Hey Wendi, I think that your nerves are very normal - that is a huge move. The kids will adjust with a little time they are always resilient. I can't imagine what you are feeling having lived in my hometown for my entire life; but, I definitely have ya'll in my prayers for a safe and smooth move and a quick settling in period.

3qtkidz said...

I can't imagine what you must be feeling but I know you are a worry-wart (lol).
I know you are scared today but you know I will be hear in Mobile awaiting your call to tell me all about your fun days in the snow.
Burning up in Mobile.

Suzanne said...

Here's wishing for a smooth transition girl! Y'all will do fine. I know exactly what you're feeling, once you've settled, learned the lay of the land, get the kids into a will do just fine! Is there a Navy base out there Wendi?