My brother was just two weeks old when Chris and I were married so there is quite an age difference between us two. As he has grown I have enjoyed our time together more and more. Just this Thanksgiving, Chris and I got to double date with him and his girlfriend. It was quite amazing to me to see what a nice young man he has turned into. He is such a great uncle to my kids. Emily loves to go into his room and rock out to the music on Uncle Ryan's computer. Casey just loves hanging out with him. I think Ryan is concerned that Casey wont learn sports because Chris is more of a fix it guy, car lover than a jock type. I will have to instill a love of sports.
So back to the photo. This was taken last night at his friends house. The girl in the photo is his good friend Kate who took him under her wing when they moved up to Mississippi. His girlfriend met him later at the dance. Doesnt he look so CUTE!!
WOWZER! They make a cute pair.
He is quite handsome in his tux.
I love that dress on that young lady.
He is no longer your "little brother".
Very handsome.
By the way --- I took the despirate Housewives test--- I am Bree.
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