Well we have survived yet another Christmas. This year we traveled to my mother's house in Mississippi. It is harder to be away at Christmas, especially when it comes to packing up the car and trying to fit everything in. The kids had a great Christmas. Every year my mother makes them pajamas to wear on Christmas Eve. This years batch were my favorite yet.
After attending Christmas Eve mass (where we were literally sitting on top of one another in the pew)LOL! We came home and had a great dinner with one of my parents friends. The kiddos didnt get to bed until after 10pm Christmas eve. Needless to say, Santa didnt get to bed before midnight. I have more stories to tell and photos so I will leave you with this story today and more for tomorrow.
Glad your holidays went well girl! Hope things are going okay with the impending move...sure is a stinky time to do so. Take care, and let me know if I can do anything, hugs!
I love their PJ's.
I know it was worth all the trouble. Being able to spend Christmas with your family.
I love the night clothes. I might have to put my order in for next year.
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