IT seems that we have a visitor from the northpole in our house. He arrived in the mail the day before Thanksgiving and has been here since. He is an elf on the shelf. If you havent heard of this before, it is quite a cute idea. It is a little elf and a book. It seems that the elf was sent here from Santa to watch Casey. Everynight he flies back to the North Pole to tell Santa how good or how bad Casey was that day. The next morning he returns in a different place in the house. He has rules too. He cant be touched and he doesnt talk. You can talk to him and tell him things to tell Santa. When he first arrived we had to name him so Casey chose the name Timmy. For some of you that already know, Timmy is the name of his buddy who happens to be one of my friend's husband. They have quite a bond and he loves him to pieces.
Well back to the elf Timmy. He has shown up in some unusual places. The kids love trying to find him every morning before Emily leaves for school. Of course, Emily knows that it is me that is moving him and always tries to get out of me where he is but I dont budge. One morning he was hanging upside down from the ceiling fan in the living room. Another morning he was on a shelf in Casey's room. Yesterday he was in the bathroom. Which Casey didnt like because he didnt want Timmy watching him when he did his business. LOL! This morning he is in our Christmas tree.
This is such a cute little tradition to start with your kids if you havent already. I thank my aunt Popo who sent this to Casey and Emily.
I have one of these. But it was a ornament that my mom turned into a elf. I set him in my tree every year. Mine is green and red. with a hot. Its a shame I didn't know about this when Donnie was little. He would have loved it.
This is such a cute idea. Your Aunt Popo had a wonderful idea that you can have for years to come.
very cute idea! love it! Love the crafty little project you did as well! great idea..i'll live vicariously through you for my creativity!
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