that is the bickering and fighting between Emily and Casey. Casey even got a note from Santa (via Timmy the elf on the shelf)telling him that he was being a bad boy. It seems like Casey and his sister are just in that "week before Christmas lets bug the crap out of Mommy and Daddy" mood. I never had a sibling when I was growing up so this is all new to me. Chris tells me that it is normal but I cant see how the tormenting and fighting is normal between these two. Hopefully once Christmas is over and the holidays have come and gone, then things will get better. Until then, my hair is getting grey just listening to these two. LOL!
awww, bless your heart girl...I so don't look forward to that. It is normal...believe it or not, I had a sibling and a house full of other relatives I grew up with...it was a daily grind for us!
I am totally filling your pain. I don't understand why kids have to annoy the crap out of each other. They have no idea what it does to the parents. Good luck!
I think the letter helps Casey a bit.
Well, I fill for both of you. Ive have the house to myself. Well, I do have those two fur babies. And they can be just as bad as kids. They want out, they want in, they want out, they want in. Then the run thru the house. One can't sit still cause the other wants where he is. So I guess I fill your pain too. But I can put them out and leave them for a long while. hehe.
ah yes, we have that issue! Good luck with that. When you figure out the solution, let me know!
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