Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Doing my Motherly Duty

This morning our household had to wake up an hour early so I could go and help at school. Casey got to spend time with my friend Kim and her husband while I went to school with Emily. The PTA and fourth grade parents put on a breakfast for all the teachers. We served them lots of yummy bagels, fruit and cheese. It was good to see so many of Emily's old teachers and her new ones too. I am so thankful for her teachers and that school. These women truly do care about my child and every other child that travels those halls at school. It still amazes me when they say such nice things about Emily. She can really get on my nerves sometimes but it is good to know that she behaves herself at school. LOL! Now that I am dressed and it is early in the day I have no place to go. I am usually still in my PJ's and drinking diet coke while the laundry is going. I am caught up on laundry, I have had my caffeine fix and I am dressed with makeup on even! I guess I will have to find somewhere for the boy and I to go.


WightPony said...

OH let me guess... Michael's, Hobby Lobby, Walmart or maybe trek'n to Gulfport to the scrapbook store. Sounds like fun.


Suzanne said...

whoa, hubby has you pegged to the t! I would've taken a nap...make-up and all! But you know, right now, I can't mentally or physically process ANY more than that. Hope I find a school I feel the same way about when KJ starts...still a couple of years to go...whew!