This household is normally very quite at night. We wind down from our day and relax quitely. That has been the way we live until the arrival of ALLERGY! This cat is nothing but a trouble maker. We can be in bed almost asleep when she decides that it is time to "chirp" at her friend JoJo until he will run after her. JoJo can be in a deep sleep on the bed when she starts this foolishness. Then it is the Indy 500 when she decides to chase him and bang into walls and run over our bellies. She is quite the little fiesty devil. She will chase him and then run away but will hit her head on a wall because she didnt see it. It is quite comical but I dont like it at 1am if you get my drift.
That is too funny! But like you said not at 1am!
TOO funny! I know you still love her though.
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