My mother, as some of you know, has a purse and sewing business. I have never really carried one of her purses because they werent really my style. I am more of the vera bradley style and kavoo. Well for my Birthday she sent me this amazing purse that she made. She also sent me a matching apron. I have to wear an apron at work so I asked her is she would make me a cute one and did she ever. My manager even made a comment on how cute it was when I was at work last night. My mom is one talented lady who can do just about anything she puts her mind to. I love you Mom and thanks so much for my new purse. I am going to carry it at the Scrapbook Expo today and maybe I can strike up some business. I just need some business cards.
Will I tell you Wendy, If lyou don't want the purse, I'll take it. That is the cutest mpurse I've seen. I love the material she used.
Very cute!
The apron is adorable especially since you have to wear it for work.
Does you mom have a web site
No website as of yet. My Step borther is a web designer and keeps after her to send him stuff but she is so behind. She can make just about anything you want and I know where she gets the fabric so I can show you if you are interested.
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