Yesterday we had a wind advisory around here. It was like being out in a hurricane down south. The winds were close to 60 mph where we live. With the winds came a front that dropped a little over 2 inches of snow last night. This is really the most snow we have seen since moving here. Casey and I decided that we better get out there and enjoy it before it melts. Our plan was to make a snowman for our good friend Kelly because she wants a photo of one (no such luck). It seems that the snow out here doesnt stick together well. I did try awfully hard to make it work but it just wouldnt come together. So I taught Casey how to make snowangels in the snow which he loved doing until he discovered some neighbors with a sled. Needless to say, the angels were put on the back burner and the sledding took front and center. We dont have much of a hill beside out house but it is enough to give the little guy a thrill. He loved sledding so much that we had to borrow the sled after the neighbors went in. He will really love it next winter when we can go to a bigger hill and really take off!
I love the picture of Casey making the snowangel. I bet I know what he getting for his birathday. A Sled. heheheh
I only hope that I can find a sled now that the season is over. He had the best time. I nearly fell on my Booty a couple of times.
DAng it!!! I want a picture of a snowman!! Thanks for trying.... hopefully next time you will get 6 feet of snow...soo I can have a picture of a snowman..... I loce you and miss you...
Great Pictures, Wendi. I have my neighbor clear my drive way so the kids will have "hills" to slide down. Good Luck on the Sled. I can't find one in Maine :(, lol.
Debbie in Maine
Oh my goodness! That looks so fun!
I want to play in the snow. boohoo!
I miss you guys!
Wendy it looks like a booggie board. Will one of those do the same thing?
I bet a boogie board would work. This was actually called a snow board.
I am not sure anyone told you before you moved in, but the wind is horrible in the spring and fall...we haven't seen the worst of it!
wow, now that looks like lots of fun! great pics of your little guy making snow angels!
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