So since we have been here in Utah I must say that the way they dress is much different from Alabama. It is very laid back out here and no as much dressy stuff on kids and adults. It is kinda hard to find clothes that fit my conservative taste but are in style. I have noticed that the 80's are in full force out here when it comes to dress. One thing Emily and I did like is the abundance of Rocket Dog sneakers and Converse. Emily got her first pair on Saturday and she hasnt taken them off except to sleep. I will have to post a photo of them when she gets home. I on the other hand purchased some too. Mine are basic white (to go with my conservative style)and I love them. I will see how they are once I work in them tonight. Emily's are plaid and dont tie.
Also on another note, these are some of my first photos with my new camera. I am still trying to learn the basics of it. I purchased it yesterday for my birthday with my mom's money and my first paycheck and the rest my dear hubby donated : )
You can thank the media for all the "80" crap coming back.. I have to say I love the music..But they can keep all the zipper, Florissant colors and big hair.
You just don't seem like the dressy type.. Casual seems you style.. I do love to dress up .. but the whole June Clever thing is a little much.. If I was cleaning the house in heels and a dress the kids would keep asking me "Where are you going mom" (he,he)
Welcome to Utah.
Rocket Dogs---girl those were in Alabama. I have a pair of pink swede clogs. I must say these shoes are hm..... NOT what I am use to seeing you in. You just wanted an excuse to shop for something now.
I can see Em in the plaid shoes. Who is she?????? What did she do will our little ROCKER.
I think Emily is branching out a little bit...She now carries a GREEN Aeropostale tote to school instead of a backpack. Believe me these Rocket Dogs she has are rockerish. LOL
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