My dear friend Annie has tagged me once again. I guess I better stop reading her blog so I dont get tagged. You know I am just kidding, love your blog girl.
A Attached or Single: Attached for 16 years now
B Best Friends: I dont call anyone best friend since they are all my friends except for my husband
C Cake or Pie: Pie most definately especially chocolate cream
D Day of Choice: Sunday
E Essential Item: Right now it is diapers for Casey
F Flavor of Icecream: Marble slab Birthday cake with chocolate sprinkles mixed in
G Gummy Bears or Worms: I really dont like either but I guess bears since my little brother had an incident with a worm
H Hometown: Bangor Maine
I Indulgence: Philosophy perfume and Vera Bradley bags
J January or July: July since it the month of Independence and my kiddos birthdays
K Kids: two lovely Kimball Kids
L Last movie I saw at a theater: I truly cant remember I know it was for my birthday and that was a long time ago
M Musician: I dont have one in particular but I love 70's music and Classic Rock. Anyone from Neil Diamond to the WHO
N Number of Siblings: No true siblings but I have 3 step and 2 half
O Oranges or Apples: Apples..Mcintosh
P Phobias or Fears: snakes, bees and flying
Q Quote: Monchichi Monchichi oh so soft and cuddly (ask Chris it was in highschool)
R Reason to Smile: My friends and family
S Season: I love fall in Maine when the leaves turn and there is a crisp feeling in the air. I love picking apples and pumpkins
T Tag: Kelly, Debby, Suzanne, Lisa and Judy
U Unknown fact: That I was on a swim team in High school and Chris was the captain and that is how we met
V vegetarian or oppressor of Animals: Where's the beef?!!
W Worst habit: eating out instead of cooking
X Xray or Ultrasound: I guess ultrasound since I have had more of those than xrays
Y Your favorite food: My mom's Lasagna (it was my nan's recipe)
Z Zodiac sign: Aries I am a Ram!