Our friend Annie has tagged Emily to answer these questions about her dear old mom. She happens to be home today with a fever and headache so we can do this right now. Without further ado here are her answers...
1. What is something Mom always says to you? I Love You.
2. What makes Mom happy? When Casey and I both get along.
3. What makes Mom sad? When Casey and I fight.
4. How does Mom make you laugh? Saying funny stuff like "toot your brains out."
5. What was Mom like as a child? I dont even know
6. How old is your Mom? are you 33?
7. How tall is your Mom? 5ft 2in
8. What is your Mom's favorite thing to do? Scrapbooking
9. What does your Mom do when you are not around? Go out to lunch with Grandma
10. If your Mom becomes famous what will it be for? Probably write a book
11. What is your Mom really good at? Scrapbooking and Cooking
12. What is your Mom really bad at? Drawing
13. What does your Mom do for a job? Stay at home mom
14. What is your Mom's favorite food? Quesidillas
15. What makes you proud of her? That you have to take care of both of us without Daddy
16. If your Mom was a cartoon character who would she be? Jimmy Neutron's Mom
17. What do you and your Mom do together? Make crafts
18. How are you and your Mom the same? We both like to scrapbook
19. How are you and your Mom different? She collects stuff and I dont
20. How do you know that your Mom loves you? Because she always says she loves me and lets me sleep in her bed.
So there you have it. I was surprised by some of the answers. I dont have many people to tag who have blogs but here it goes....Donnie Hamilton, Amelia McAvoy, Randi Evans, Kristin Hale.
I love your answers Emily. That is a nice mom to let you sleep in her bed. I hope you don't toot your brains out while you are in her bed because she might not invite you to sleep with her again.
lol.... "toot your brains out?" lol that is a new one.... Randi is not here right now soooo I will ask Brynli ...
thank you for your words of encouragement... they really do mean alot to me.... I don't know what I would do with out my good friends...love you girl!!!!
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